segunda-feira, dezembro 03, 2007

Novo boletim no My Space

A Kat acabou de postar um novo boletim no seu My Space, nele ela falou anda muito acupada por essas semanas, que gravou um especial de Natal pra rede ABC na Disney, que nele ela cantou um medley de trilhas sonoras de filmes da disney, e que ela se divertiu muito gravando isso. Ela também deu uma dica pra quem vai a Orlando, visitar o parque Animal Kingdom e fazer o safári. Ela diz que gravará um especial de natal na capital dos EUA, Washington, que vai ao ar dia 12 de dezembro no canal TNT. A Kat também disse que amava o Natal e que era a sua época favorita do ano. Também agradece ao apoio dos fãs.

Boletim na Integra (em inglês)
From: Katharine McPhee
Date: Dec 3, 2007 3:48 PM
Subject: Kat here

Hey everyone. Well, its been a busy few weeks. Just a couple of quick updates - Last weekend I shot the ABC Christmas at Disneyworld special-I know that there were pictures with me and the princesses. I got to sing the princesses medley. It was a really great experience. Everyone at Disney was so nice and I think the show is going to be a lot of fun. I believe it airs on Christmas morning around the country. It was a wonderful experience. I had a lot of fun. If you ever get to Orland, check out the Animal Kingdom safari-it was amazing. This week I head to Washington DC to shoot the Christmas in Washington special. I believe that one airs on Dec 12th on TNT. I don't want to seem like an advertisement but I think these are going to be really good Christmas specials. I LOVE Christmas. Its one of my favorite times of year.So I hope everyone is well and thank you all again for all the support. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it.
Lots of love,

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